37 posts

Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons

Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons Emiliano Treré, Alice Mattoni | 2016 | article in Information, Communication & Society Studies adopting the media ecology metaphor to investigate social movements form a promising strand of literature that has emerged in the last years to overcome the communicative […]

On the fractures of ‘community’

by Carolin Huang Consider when mainstream media, and much alternative media uses the word ‘community,’ particularly in the framing of what the (insert ethnic/cultural/racial) community thinks/does. ‘The __ community’ agrees with this. ‘The ___ community’ disagrees with that. ‘The ___community’ is in conflict with ‘the ___ community.’  While it may […]

The Anarchist Commons

The Anarchist Commons Sandra Jeppesen, Anna Kruzynski, Rachel Sarrasin, Émilie Breton | 2014 | article in Ephemera: theory & politics in organization Analyzing the anarchist commons in Montreal, Canada, using participatory action research interviews with 127 participants, we find that anti-authoritarian groups and networks addressing disparate but connected struggles are […]

Grassroots autonomous media practices: a diversity of tactics

Grassroots autonomous media practices: a diversity of tactics Sandra Jeppesen, Anna Kruzynski, Aaron Lakoff and Rachel Sarrasind | 2014 | article in Journal of Media Practice A participatory action research study of anti-authoritarian activist media practices in Quebec, Canada, was carried out by the Collectif de Recherche sur l’Autonomie Collective. […]