37 posts

Know your rights for media activists

by Shelagh Pizey-Allen In January 2017, Toronto police officers were captured on video Tasering and kicking a person who was restrained and lying on the ground. One officer threatened to seize the video: “Stop recording or I’m going to seize your phone as evidence and then you’re going to lose your phone.” […]

MARG: toward an antiauthoritarian profeminist media research methodology

MARG: toward an antiauthoritarian profeminist media research methodology Sandra Jeppesen, Toni Hounslow, Sharmeen Khan and Kamilla Petrick | 2017 | article in Feminist Media Studies In this article we map a taxonomy of activist-research, illustrating how MARG brings together five specific methodologies— activist-led issue-based research, militant participatory ethnography, feminist community […]

ASN 2016 Conference report back

by Sandra Jeppesen In September 2016 I traveled to Loughborough in the UK to present our research on anti-authoritarian feminist media activism at ASN4 – Anarchist Studies Network. ASN4 was probably the best anarchist conference I’ve participated in. The theme this year was ‘anarchist feminism’, so there were a lot […]

2016 Media Activism Research Conference

From May 12 to 15, 2016 approximately ninety scholars, activists and artists from far and wide (many from both coasts of Canada, as well as participants from India, South Africa, Turkey, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the US) converged on the Lakehead University Orillia campus to take part in the […]

Direct-action journalism: resilience in grassroots autonomous media

Direct-action journalism: resilience in grassroots autonomous media Sandra Jeppesen | 2016 | article in Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies Situating grassroots autonomous media within complex contemporary media ecologies and protest movements, this article uses resilience theory to critically analyse the characteristics generative of adaptive capacity in alternative media […]

Understanding alternative media power: mapping content & practice to theory, ideology, and political action

Understanding alternative media power: mapping content & practice to theory, ideology, and political action Sandra Jeppesen | 2016 | article in Democratic Communiqué Alternative media is a term that signifies a range of media forms and practices, from radical critical media to independent media, and from grassroots autonomous media to […]